Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Music is Art on TV

Last night, the episode was on! I have to say, the students at UB that put the show together are a talented bunch. Everything from the stage set-up, to the editing, to just how damn nice and professional they were through the whole taping.
Watching the show last night, I also recalled how inspired I felt working onstage while Them Jazzbeards were playing. I was talking to David Kane about it a while back. When I'm watching a band play, to match/use the energy present, I am photographing the band preform. This was the first time I was working on the artistic end of the process, and it brought this crazy insight.
When can I do it again?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Busy Week, Some Exposure...

Last night, as part of the NYFA MARK program, we all gave our 5 minute presentations. They were almost a "practice" run for our NYC in June. We had a lot of spectators, and one was a writer for The Buffalo News. Read the article here...


Saturday, April 26, 2008

This Week on Music is Art

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Heating Up...

Well, now that Trimania is over, and I am mostly over this horrible sinus-thing that took over for at least a week, it's time to get back to work. By work, I mean my own stuff, not the day job i've been dragging myself to.
Busy week coming. On Monday, April 28th, as part of the NYFA MARK program , I'm giving my 5 minute art presentation at Hallwalls, between 7-9. It's going to be a slide presentation, cetering on the "Ireland and Spirit" series.
Then, on Tuesday, April 29, the episode of "Music is Art Live @ the Center" that I taped last fall will air on Buffalo's Thinkbright, Channel 21 at 8:30 pm. Musical guests are Them Jazzbeards and Andy Mac. They did an interview, and the I was onstage "creating" through the musical acts. I started a whole new series during Them Jazzbeards- the whole thing was so inspiring...
Then Thursday, May 1st is the "Electrorespect" show at Nietzsche's- a tribute to Mark Freeland (it would be his birthday). There is an accompaning art/photo show at the College Street Gallery and Gallery 164. I have some photos in that from hanging out with Mark long ago as he was doing a mural. That was a blast.
Also doing some retouching for State of the Art. Very, very busy...

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Buffalo Getting it's Due!

Yea, it's official. Buffalo has rated #1 among American mid-sized cities as an arts destination. Yes, we've been scrapping and clawing our way up over the years, but now we're NUMBER ONE!
American Style magazine has had this survey for a number of years, and the cities are grouped in Big Cities, mid-sized cities, and small towns and cities. And we're finally there. This is a great year to get there, too- with the new Frank Lloyd Wright boathouse and Darwin D. Martin restoration, the new Burchfield Penny Arts Center, and , well, all of us great artists, organizing in different ways (myself in the NYFA Mark program) to make ourselves known.

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