Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mardi Gras (part 1)

Yep, Fat Tuesday is this week. NBC just showed some Bourbon Street and parade scenes. I know NO has it's problems, but I love that town. I was in the city for the weekend before Mardi Gras in '93 (I think) with friends; and spent actual Fat Tuesday was spent in Mamou, LA, ( we stayed in the Hotel Cazan- the white building on the linked site) which is deep in the heart of cajun country in the south-central part of the state. I swear I've never had more fun. I plan to go back when I can...
I have been checking out a lot of websites that I'll share with y'all. BloggingNewOrleans is one that I check on a regular basis- he puts both good and not-so-good about everyday life there. The New Orleans Times- Picyune also has a great Mardi Gras specific page. Finally, there is a link page, that has a ton of sites to check out. I can't wait to go back...



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