Saturday, November 05, 2005

Black and White Photo, Fall '05

I've got three great young people in my intermediate photo class this fall. Below you'll see some examples of their work. It is really great to be able to be a teacher for the teen art class. There is a lot of creativity and observation that they possess, which, in the end, inspires all of us - it makes us remember why we became artists in the first place. I can't speak for everyone in my position, but I hope that some of the class experience makes them want to keep going...
So, a sample of their work. I have to tell this group: you make me proud.
I also want to congratulate Joe Lopez for being accepted to the Squeaky Wheel, WNED, and the Preservation Coalition project "Portraits of Main Street." Let's all work to make this a reality! Visit
Thanks to all three of you!


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